Enhancing communication skills, including speech, language, and swallowing.
All children vary in their development of speech and language skills. Our speech and language therapist evaluate children with delayed speech, stammering and voice modulation problems, chewing & swallowing and work to improve child’s ability to communicate very well.
We work for various conditions and difficulties, including:
1. Articulation disorders: difficulty pronouncing sounds, syllables, or words.
2. Language disorders: difficulty understanding or using language, including receptive and expressive language skills.
3. Speech delay: delayed development of speech skills in children.
4. Stuttering (stammering): difficulty fluent speech, characterized by repetitions, prolongations, or blockages.
5. Voice disorders: abnormal voice quality, pitch, or volume.
6. Aphasia: difficulty with language comprehension or expression due to brain injury or developmental conditions.
7. Apraxia of speech: difficulty coordinating muscle movements for speech.
8. Dysarthria: difficulty articulating words due to weakness, slowness, or incoordination of the muscles used in speaking.
9. Hearing loss: speech and language difficulties related to hearing impairment.
10. Cleft lip and palate: speech and language difficulties related to physical differences.
11. Developmental disabilities: speech and language difficulties associated with conditions like Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, and autism spectrum disorder.
12. Feeding and swallowing disorders: difficulty with feeding, swallowing, or sucking.
13. Selective mutism: difficulty speaking in specific situations or environments.
14. Pragmatic language impairment: difficulty with social communication, like initiating or maintaining conversations.
We use various techniques and strategies to address these conditions, including:
- Play-based therapy
- Language stimulation
- Articulation exercises
- Fluency shaping
- Voice therapy
- Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) system
- Parent-child interaction therapy
- Oral placement therapy
We work closely with children, parents, caregivers, and other professionals to develop individualized plans and strategies to address specific needs and goals.
Our therapists are trained and certified in therapy technique
I'll book a meeting so we can solution this before the sprint